As useful as this service can be right now it can be improved in so many ways. Here is a quick list of what we are working on. Feel free to leave your feature requests in the comments below.
- Export results to PDF;
Share links to transcriptions;- Preserve line breaks when copying line-by-line results;
- Improving dictionary base (in progress);
- Syncing Am and Br dictionaries;
- Display BrE and AmE transcriptions along each other;
- Option to show syllables in the output;
Option to loop speech audio;Workaround for speech cutting off after a few sentences in Chrome;Highlight each word being spoken during playback;- Option to use different character sets or phonetic spelling;
- Custom character sets;
- Improving linking rules for American transcriptions;
- Improving word stress and phrasal stress to better reflect patterns of connected speech;
- Sentence/phrase mark-up option;
Convert IPA to text;Option to edit transcription output using virtual IPA keyboard;Input form redesign;Option to select speech voice.